
Shipping to the United States is free and will take 3 - 7 business days to arrive after it waz shipped. In order to insure fast and safe delivery, we use FedEx, UPS or USPS shipping services. Most orders are generally shipped within 24 hours after which an email will be sent with the tracking number for your order. In some cases of orders with multiple tents, we may take up to 7 days to ship the orders.

We ship from multiple warehouses around the U.S to make sure shipping is as fast as possible.

On certain products we offer Expedited Shipping. Expedited Shipping will take 1-3 days Business days to arrive in 99% of cases, however the shipping companies only guarantee 1-5 days.

Shipping timeframes only begin once the product has actually shipped, when you receive the tracking number.

 At this time, we do not ship to Hawaii, Alaska, Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico.

Please note that once the product is shipped, there's not much we can do on our side, and it depends completely on the shipping company.


Here is a rundown of our average shipping time per state!


Alabama  2 days 4 days
Alaska  3 days 5 days 
Arizona  1 day 3 days
Arkansas  2 days 4 days
California  1 day 3 days
Colorado  2 days 4 days 
Connecticut  2 days 4 days 
Delaware  3 days 5 days 
Florida  2 days 4 days 
Georgia  2 days 4 days 
Hawaii  3 days 5 days 
Idaho  2 days 4 days 
Illinois  2 days 4 days 
Indiana  2 days 4 days 
Iowa  2 days 4 days 
Kansas  2 days 4 days 
Kenucky  2 days 4 days 
Louisiana  2 days 4 days
Maine  2 days 4 days 
Maryland  3 days 5 days 
Massachusetts  2 days 4 days 
Michigan  2 days 4 days 
Minnesota  3 days 5 days 
Mississipi  2 days 4 days 
Missouri  2 days 4 days 
Montana  2 days 4 days 
Nebraska  2 days 4 days 
Nevada  2 days 4 days 
New Hampshire  2 days 4 days 
New Jersey  2 days 4 days 
New Mexico  2 days 4 days 
New York  2 days 4 days 
North Carolina  1 day 3 days
North Dakota  3 days 5 days 
Ohio  2 days 4 days 
Oklahoma  3 days 5 days 
Oregon  3 days 5 days 
Pennsylvania  2 days 4 days 
Rhode Island  2 days 4 days
North Carolina  1 day 3 days 
North Dakota  3 days 5 days 
Ohio  2 days 4 days 
Oklahoma  3 days 5 days 
Oregon  3 days 5 days 
Pennsylvania  2 days 4 days 
Rhode Island  2 days 4 days 
South Carolina  1 day 3 days 
South Dakota  3 days 4 days 
Tennessee  2 days 4 days 
Texas  3 days 5 days 
Utah  2 days 4 days 
Vermont  2 days 4 days 
Virginia  1 day 3 days 
West Virginia  1 day 3 days 
Washington  3 days 4 days 
Wisoconsin  2 days 4 days 
Wyoming  3 days 5 days